Psychics aren't real, right?!
— No claims on this site are based on anything reported by psychics, although it's uncanny just how accurate at least 3 of them were.
(These claims are unverified/unverifiable)
3 weeks after Lisa's disappearance, her family was contacted by a Pennsylvanian psychic who described an area of Nanaimo, where Lisa's body would be found. This prompted Lisa's family to search just south of the Parkway, near Harewood Mines Road, which, it turns out, is just 700m from Lisa's actual grave-site.
The following July, a Chemainus psychic claimed that "she had connected to Lisa", who described an area with 3 connected bodies of water, a flat-roof building, and grown-in paths. This led to a private dive team searching the Upper Colliery Dam reservoir, which is less than 400m from Lisa's actual burial location.
There was an publicized incident involving a Nanaimo man who walked his dog with friends at Colliery Dam Park on Canada Day 2002, leaving him with the overwhelming feeling that "someone had just died, violently, nearby." He was so convinced that he returned to the park the next day, beginning an organized search which continued into 2003. The incident occurred about 900m from Lisa's actual burial location. The man says that he does not believe in psychics.
Another Nanaimo man, named Mark, and who identifies as a psychic, says that, around the time of Lisa's disappearance, he, and many others around the city ("whoever was listening") subconsciously "heard" Lisa repeatedly "screaming for help". More specifically, "pleading for someone to find her, so that she can return to her father." Mark further claimed that Lisa's "psychic screams" were originating near Colliery Dam, and the presence of a natural concentration of "geological energy" in the area had "amplified her cries for help."
Interestingly, there is evidence that might support that last part of Mark's claim. There is a seismic fault line directly below the property where Lisa is buried. The Chase River Fault is a natural geological "slip/strike" seismic fault line, which holds significance to the massive earthquake expected to strike Vancouver Island in coming years, due to build up of thermodynamic elastic energy. The fault line forms the path of Chase River as it passes through two of Colliery's Dams, and is the reason for the exposed bedrock in the area, and for the coal deposits which were mined in Nanaimo's early days.
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