RCMP formally "cut off" Lisa's parents from information about their daughter's case

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RCMP formally denied Lisa's parents from further information about their daughter's case.


They were basically cut off from receiving further details from the RCMP.
Calgary Herald, April 18, 2004 (Jim Gibson)[1]
At one time her husband began e-mailing the grandparent, until he was warned off by the RCMP.
Times Colonist, April 4, 2004 (Jim Gibson)[2]

Within a year of Lisa's disappearance, RCMP formally "cut off" Lisa's parents from further information about their daughter's case.[1][2][3]

They were informed by mail, on RCMP letterhead.[1][4]

See also


🛈 This isn't finished. This incomplete version of this page has been uploaded as a "placeholder".
There is more to this story, much of it available online with the lisamarieyoung.ca search page, or within Lisa's Wikipedia page, the 100's of media articles and dozens of privately-produced podcasts discussing Lisa's "disappearance".