RCMP failed to seize the Jaguar before steam-cleaning

From lisamarieyoung.ca


By the time RCMP investigators finally seized the Jaguar in which Lisa was last seen by her friends, the car had already been steam-cleaned.


Nanaimo Daily News, Sept 18, 2002 (Paul Walton)[1]

Lisa was last seen by friends getting into a maroon late-1980's Jaguar XJ-40 driven by Chris Adair, leaving a houseparty in the Cathers Lake area.

1980's Jaguar XJ-40
similar to the car in which Lisa was last seen by friends

RCMP seized the car for forensic search; several weeks after it had been located.[2]

It was then discovered that the vehicle had been thoroughly steam cleaned, thereby destroying any potential forensic evidence.[3][4]


  1. Paul Walton, Nanaimo Daily News (Sep 18, 2002), Grim Task: Police comb woods for Lisa Young ndn20020918
  2. Malcolm McColl, McColl Magazine (Feb 26, 2011), Lisa Marie Young Disappeared, One of the MMIWG Not Forgotten mcm20110226
  3. MP Paul Manly, Parliament, Ottawa (Oct 8, 2020), House of Commons Debate #12 - October 8, 2020 (43-2) at 1525 hoc20201008
  4. Anonymous, Casefile (July 26, 2016), Case 26: Lisa Marie Young pod20160726