RCMP failed to respond to questions raised about Lisa's case at the MMIWG Inquiry

From lisamarieyoung.ca


In 2018, Lisa's grandparents were invited to a hearing in Vancouver to provide sworn testimony for the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls (MMIWG).

RCMP provided no response to questions raised about the investigation into Lisa's disappearance. In 2020, however, an RCMP officer shot and killed Lisa's cousin.


MMIWG Inquiry, April 4, 2018 (Moses Martin & Carla Moss)[1]

In 2018, Chief Moses Martin, Lisa's grandfather, provided sworn testimony at Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's national inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls (MMIWG Inquiry) in Vancouver, and demanded answers from the RCMP.[1]

RCMP provided no response.

In 2020, Chantel Moore — Lisa's cousin (another of Chief Martin's granddaughters) — died after being shot four times by an RCMP officer during a "wellness check".[2][3][4][5]

See Also

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There is more to this story, much of it available online with the lisamarieyoung.ca search page, or within Lisa's Wikipedia page, the 100's of media articles and dozens of privately-produced podcasts discussing Lisa's "disappearance".


  1. 1.0 1.1 MMIWG Inquiry (Apr 4, 2018), Vancouver Community MMIWG Hearings Day 1 - Martin Moses and Carla Moss (source)
  2. Sheena Goodyear, CBC Radio (Jun 8, 2020), "N.B. police killing of Chantel Moore 'hard to understand,' says her great-uncle"
  3. Yvette Brend, CBC News (June 4, 2020), B.C. woman shot dead during police wellness check had just made fresh start to be with her child, family says (source)
  4. Kevin Bissett, CTV News (May 18, 2022), "Chantel Moore shot by N.B. police officer in chest, abdomen and leg, inquest hears"
  5. Karla Renić, Global News (May 19, 2022), Jury in Chantel Moore coroner’s inquest rules her death a homicide (source)