CTV News - June 27, 2021

From lisamarieyoung.ca


CTV News: Sun June 27, 2021 (Ian Holliday) More witnesses have come forward in Lisa Marie Young case, RCMP say

source: https://ctvnews.ca/more-witnesses-have-come-forward-in-lisa-marie-young-case-rcmp-say-1.5487332
archive: https://web.archive.org/web/20221121204346/https://ctvnews.ca/more-witnesses-have-come-forward-in-lisa-marie-young-case-rcmp-say-1.5487332
clip: https://lisamarieyoung.ca/n/ctv20210627

[Reproduced under Copyright Act (Canada) s.29.2 - Fair Dealing for the purpose of news reporting]

More witnesses have come forward in Lisa Marie Young case, RCMP say

VANCOUVER — An update from RCMP is giving renewed hope to friends and family of a Vancouver Island woman who vanished without a trace 19 years ago.

Nanaimo RCMP held a news conference Saturday to provide an update on their investigation into the case of Lisa Marie Young, who was last seen leaving a nightclub in the city early in the morning of June 30, 2002*.

Police say numerous witnesses who were previously afraid to speak out about the case have now come forward, but investigators are still looking for key pieces of information that will advance the file.

"Obviously, finding Lisa would be really significant and we haven't done that yet," said Cpl. Markus Muntener, of Nanaimo RCMP's Serious Crime Unit.

"It's hard for me to just say we have a small little bit left to do, but that could change overnight, Muntener added. If an important person comes forward and talks to us that adds a very significant piece of the puzzle, then that could change."

After the RCMP update, dozens of people marched from the detachment's headquarters to Maffeo Sutton Park for an annual gathering aiming to raise awareness about Young's disappearance.

Organizers of the march hope one day justice will be served.

"I think this brings a lot more attention to the file," said Cyndy Hall, a friend of Young's and a march participant.

"I think people watch this and realize that they can come forward with new information and they're not alone."

Police say there are thousands of documents and hundreds of witnesses in Young's file. They're asking anyone with information on her disappearance to contact them.

* Several publications misreported dates surrounding Lisa's disappearance (likely confused by the long weekend). Lisa's parents last saw her late Sunday June 30th, and she was last seen by her friends at the bar and at two parties early Monday July 1st (Canada Day), which was also the day she was to move into her new apartment, and when her disappearance was reported to RCMP.   (See the timelines.)