Ha-Shilth-Sa - May 3, 2021

From lisamarieyoung.ca

Ha-Shilth-Sa: May 3, 2021 Eric Plummer "Standing for Lisa Marie Young"

source: https://hashilthsa.com/news/2021-05-03/standing-lisa-marie-young

clip: https://lisamarieyoung.ca/n/hss20210503

[Reproduced under Copyright Act (Canada) s.29.2 - Fair Dealing for the purpose of news reporting]

Standing for Lisa Marie Young

Dawn Foxcroft (left), Debra Foxcroft and Kelly Poirier stand for Lisa Marie Young and other Indigenous women who have gone missing or fallen victim to homicide on Sunday, May 2, by the Tseshaht band office in Port Alberni. On Sunday, which is Young's birthday, others were standing for her from noon to 1 p.m. elsewhere on the Tseshaht reserve and in other locations on Vancouver Island, including in downtown Nanaimo.

Lisa Marie Young was last heard of on June 30, 2002, when she was out with friends in Nanaimo to celebrate a birthday. She was 21 at the time.

Wednesday, May 5 is Red Dress Day across Canada in recognition of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls.