Clippings from NWAC - Storytelling: Lisa's Story

Selected clippings from:
Fri May 1, 2015 (Allison Crowe)
Story Telling - Lisa Marie Young
File:NWAC-Story-Telling Lisa-Marie-Young.pdf
File:Nw20150501a.png "He asked some questions and took a photograph of Lisa. Then he told them he was off for the next four days and to call him on Friday. [Lisa's parents] were incredulous. 'This was on a Sunday' [when they contacted the media] a reporter came over right away]…"
File:Nw20150501b.png "She called every number in [Lisa's phone book]…"
File:Nw20150501c.png "Frantic, Don and Joanne decided to call the police…"

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