RCMP inexplicably questioned Adair in town with possible conflict of interest

From lisamarieyoung.ca


RCMP inexplicably questioned Chris Adair not in Nanaimo, Kamloops, or Qualicum Beach, but in Parksville — a town with no tie to the case, but with a possible conflict of interest due to Adair's family history.


Bill Kurtz Obituary
Bill Kurtz (Chris Adair's grandfather) was formerly Alderman and Mayor of Parksville
Today in Business, June 12, 2003[1]

Adair was questioned about his involvement in Lisa's disappearance at the Parksville RCMP detachment.[2][3][4]

Oddly, Nanaimo RCMP did not question Adair in Nanaimo (where Lisa was last seen), Qualicum Beach (where Adair's grandparents — and the Jaguar in which Lisa was last seen — resided), or Kamloops (where Adair was arrested).

Related → Did RCMP break their own policy with the intra-provincial transfer of Adair?

Adair's grandfather (with whom Adair was staying at the time) was a former Mayor of Parksville.[1][5] Depending on the mayor's involvement with the police force, this could be considered a "conflict of interest".[6][7][8]

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There is more to this story, much of it available online with the lisamarieyoung.ca search page, or within Lisa's Wikipedia page, the 100's of media articles and dozens of privately-produced podcasts discussing Lisa's "disappearance".

See also


  1. Jump up to: 1.0 1.1 Today in Business (June 12, 2003), William (Bill) Dudley Kurtz - Obituary (source)
  2. Jim Gibson, Times Colonist (Apr 4, 2004), The case Nanaimo can't forget (source)
  3. Paul Manly, House of Commons (Oct 8, 2020), Debates (Hansard) No. 12 (43-2) at 1525 (source)
  4. BC Provincial Court Services Online, Government of BC, Search Traffic/Criminal
      → Enter Last Name: (Adair), First: (Christopher), Enter Image Text, change no other fields, click Search
  5. Anonymous, Casefile (July 26, 2016), Case 26: Lisa Marie Young (source)
  6. Vetted Report, RCMP (Nov 2019), "Audit of Values and Ethics"
  7. Frances Bula, Globe & Mail (June 30, 2023), "Surrey mayor declined meetings with Surrey Police while reinstating RCMP"
  8. Merriam-Webster (definition), conflict of interest