RCMP failed to check for bank account activity

From lisamarieyoung.ca


RCMP investigators failed to check Lisa’s bank account for activity relevant to her disappearance. Lisa's parents had to obtain the records themselves.


She had money in her bank account, which has not been touched, and had not used her cellular phone
Nanaimo Daily News, July 25, 2002 (Nelson Bennett)[1]

It is standard procedure for investigators to check a missing person's banking activity for any clues that could lead to the person's whereabouts — as outlined in several documents including evidence submitted[2] to the National MMIWG Inquiry.[3]

The Missing Person's Act authorizes police to obtain banking records
The Missing Persons Act authorizes police to obtain banking records. Government of British Columbia (March 24, 2014)[4]

Section 15(d) of the British Columbia Missing Persons Act authorizes police to obtain this information as part of an “emergency demand for records”.[4]

However, RCMP did not attempt to obtain the records.

When it became apparent that RCMP investigators had not contacted Lisa's bank or cellphone provider to check for clues to her disappearance, her parents had to handle it themselves.[5] After contacting her bank, they learned that Lisa's account still had money which had remained untouched since her disappearance.[1]

See also
