Call back in 48 hours

“Call back in 48 hours...”
—Nanaimo RCMP to Lisa's mother
July 1, 2002 11:30am


When Lisa's mother first called Nanaimo RCMP to report Lisa's disappearance, RCMP staff refused to accept the report, and advised her to call back in 2 days.

This was despite the fact that no police force in Canada has ever had a "waiting period" before a missing persons report can be filed, and, in fact, research clearly shows that the first 72 hours are the most crucial to a missing persons investigation.


Parent's efforts before calling RCMP

Lisa's parents had reason to be concerned; it was not without due diligence that the decision was made to contact the RCMP.

…about to move into a new apartment
Nanaimo Daily News, July 25, 2002 (Nelson Bennett)[1]
...her father was to help her move into a new apartment the day she went missing
Times Colonist, April 4, 2004 (Jim Gibson)[2]

Lisa had failed to show up for early-morning plans with her father,[3] who was going to help her move into her new apartment using his Purolator Courier truck.[1][2] The move was something Lisa had been looking forward to,[4] and she had pre-paid a deposit on her new unit. As Lisa was normally extremely reliable, her parents were immediately very concerned.[5][6][7]

Efforts to call her cellphone since then have been met only with voice mail.
Nanaimo Daily News, July 4, 2002 (Paul Walton)[3]
they were very close with their daughter, and it was unlike her to not be in touch
Nanaimo Daily News, July 9, 2002 (Paul Walton)[8]

Calls by Lisa's mother to her cellphone were forwarded directly to voicemail.[3] This added concern as Lisa had purchased the cellphone proactively/primarily so that her parents could always contact her (as she'd always been very close to her parents).[8] Lisa always carefully ensured the phone was charged, and she had never powered it off.[9]

She called every number in [Lisa's phone book]
Native Women's Association of Canada, May 1, 2015 (Allison Crowe)[10]
maroon or red four-door Jaguar
Nanaimo Daily News, July 12, 2002 (Paul Walton)[11]

Lisa's parents retrieved her address book and called "all" of her many friends.[10] Multiple friends said they saw her the previous night, in conversation outside the bar with the unknown male driver of a maroon Jaguar.[11] Others reported seeing her at a houseparty on Nanaimo Lakes Road[12], or leaving a second party around the Cathers Lake area, in the maroon Jaguar.[13] But nobody knew where Lisa was now.[14]

See also → "Reasons to suspect foul play"

Contacted Police

[Lisa's parents] called police at 11:30am on July 1.
Nanaimo Daily News, July 10, 2002 (Paul Walton)[5]
Frantic, Don and Joanne decided to call the police
Native Women's Association of Canada, May 1, 2015 (Allison Crowe)[10]

By this point, Lisa's parents were frantic.[10]

On Monday, July 1st, 2002 (Canada Day) at about 11:30am[5], Joanne Young (Lisa's mother) called the Nanaimo RCMP detachment to report that her daughter was missing.[10]

Report refused by RCMP

[RCMP] said they needed her to be gone 48 hours [before a report could be filed]
Ha-Shilth-Sa, June 24, 2019 (Eric Plummer)[9]

RCMP staff told Lisa's mother that a report couldn't be filed until 48 hours after Lisa was last seen.

She was advised to call back to file the report after 2 days had passed.[3][9][14][10]

they said just give it 48 hours
MP Paul Manly, House of Commons, Dec 8, 2020[14]

Policy & Research

the first 72 hours in a missing persons investigation are the most critical, according to criminology experts
ABC News, October 8, 2018 (Julia Jacobo)[15]

While once a common myth, no police force in Canada has ever had a policy requiring a "waiting period" before submission of a missing persons report.[16]

Research shows that the first 72 hours are actually the most critical time frame of a "missing persons" investigation.[15][17]

Canadian Centre for Information on Missing Adults, "Quick Facts about Reporting a Missing Adult in Canada"[16]

See also


  1. 1.0 1.1 Nelson Bennett, Nanaimo Daily News (July 25, 2002), Lisa's kin follow psychic tip ndn20020725
  2. 2.0 2.1 Jim Gibson, Times Colonist (Apr 4, 2004), The case Nanaimo can't forget tc20040404
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 Paul Walton, Nanaimo Daily News (July 4, 2002), Parents fear daughter the victim of foul play ndn20020704
  4. Jason Proctor, Vancouver Province (Sep 2, 2002), Where is Lisa-Marie? p20020902
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 Paul Walton, Nanaimo Daily News (July 10, 2002), Police fear local met with foul play ndn20020710
  6. Jolene Rudisuela, Capital Daily (May 5, 2021), More people go missing in BC than anywhere else in Canada. No one knows why cd20210505
  7. Fort McMurray Today (July 10, 2002), Foul play suspected in missing B.C. woman fmt20020710
  8. 8.0 8.1 Paul Walton, Nanaimo Daily News (July 9, 2002), RCMP keep searching for woman ndn20020709
  9. 9.0 9.1 9.2 Eric Plummer, Ha-Shilth-Sa (June 24, 2019), Legacy of Lisa Marie Young to hang in Tofino hss20190624
  10. 10.0 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 10.5 Allison Crowe, Native Women's Association of Canada (May 1, 2015), Story Telling — Lisa Marie Young nw20150501
  11. 11.0 11.1 Paul Walton, Nanaimo Daily News (July 12, 2002), Woman's disappearance leaves friends perplexed ...rumours unfounded ndn20020712
  12. Paul Walton, Nanaimo Daily News (May 29, 2003), When sadness turns to anger ndn20030529
  13. Vancouver Sun (Feb 26, 2011), Nanaimo RCMP appeal for help vs20110226
  14. 14.0 14.1 14.2 MP Paul Manly, Parliament, Ottawa (Oct 8, 2020), House of Commons Debate #12 - October 8, 2020 (43-2) at 1525 hoc20201008
  15. 15.0 15.1 Julia Jacobo, ABC News (Oct 8, 2018), Why the first 72 hours in a missing persons investigation are the most critical abc20181008
  16. 16.0 16.1 Canadian Centre for Information on Missing Adults (Dec 1, 2012), Quick facts about reporting a missing adult in Canada mp20121201
  17. NIWRC, "Quick Reference Guide for What to Do in the First 72 Hours" (Brochure)